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F106000- EpsonDFX9000 Printhead

Manufacturer: Epson

Part # F106000

Availability: IN STOCK

REFURBISHED 90 days Warranty


Price: $525.00

Epson DFX9000 Printhead-90 Day warranty

This item is remanufactured and is also offerd on advance exchange as well. The price published is for purhase.


Please call for exchange pricing.. We ship out first and include a return waybill for your defective core. We allow 2 weeks for the defective core to be returned using the return waybill supplied by Sinca. This printhead is genuine OEM and carries a 90 day warranty. Same Day Shipping available.  

This printhead is also available for purchase without exchange. Please use the "Live Product Support" button for current pricing or questions.

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